Timothy Garton Ash

is Isaiah Berlin professorial fellow at St Antony’s College, Oxford. He is the author of nine books of “history of the present”, including most recently Facts Are Subversive, and writes a weekly column in The Guardian, which is widely syndicated in Europe, Asia and the Americas. He is director of Free Speech Debate, a multilingual website for the discussion of freedom of expression.


Cover for: Are crises necessary?

Are crises necessary?

Debates on Europe: Budapest & Beyond

As a historian his expectations are gloomy, but as a political writer his optimism is strategic: Timothy Garton Ash talks about the European Union’s internal flaws and debates whether crises and collapses are always necessary for renewal.

The Kosovo war should force the European Union to rethink its future. As the new commission, chaired by Romano Prodi, takes over it should seize the opportunity to move the EU from an inward-looking institution consumed with an economic agenda to an all-European political project.

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