Katja Garmasch

born in the Soviet Union and raised in Usbekistan, has been living in Germany for more than twenty years. After studying media studies and completing an internship at the WDR (Westdeutscher Rundfunk) she is a freelance journalist for radio, TV and print. For Missy Magazine she travelled to the front in East Ukraine


Cover for: Frauen an der Front: Krieg in der Ostukraine

Obwohl offiziell das Friedensabkommen in Kraft ist, herrscht immer noch Krieg in der Ostukraine. 50.000 der Soldaten sind weiblich. Wie gehen sie mit dem Stress und der Lebensgefahr um? Ein Besuch an der Front.

Cover for: Women soldiers in Ukraine

Women soldiers in Ukraine

A new start that's full of contradictions

The situation in Ukraine is complicated. Between war, nationalism and rapprochement with the West, women are changing society.

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