Sascha Feuchert

is director of Holocaust literature at the Justus Liebig University of Giessen and vice president of German PEN. He is co-editor with Robert Martin, Scott Kellner, Erwin Leibfried, Jörg Riecke and Markus Roth of Friedrich Kellner’s diaries 1939-1945, entitled Vernebelt, verdunkelt sind alle Hirne (Wallstein, 2011), and with Markus Roth and Christiane Weber of Konrad Heiden’s Eine Nacht im November 1938: Ein zeitgenössischer Bericht (Wallstein, 2013).


The German copyright on Mein Kampf expires in 2015, renewing debate on whether it should be reprinted, or even read. Sascha Feuchert, expert in Holocaust literature and vice president of German PEN, believes an academic version is vital. Charlotte Knobloch, former vice president of the World Jewish Congress, is of a different opinion.

Read in Journals

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