Barbara Fässler

is an artist from Zurich. She moved to Milan in 1998. Trained in Villa Arson, Nice, France, she works for the most part with the languages of photography, video and installation. In the 1990s she participated as a curator for the artists’ space ProjektRaum, in Zurich. In 2005/06, with Paolo Bianchi, she curated exhibitions for the Swiss Institute of Rome. She has taught the methodology of graphic design at Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti in Bergamo and art with Bert Theis and Andrea Sala at the Master of the Naba in Milan. She has hosted workshops about public art at GAP (Giovani per l’arte pubblica) for the municipality of Bologna and in 2009 at Accademy of Brera in Milan. Since 2010 she teaches art at the Swiss School in Milan.


177 days of running

Reflections on the Venice Biennale 2011

Reviewing the Venice Biennale in its totality is impossible, writes Barabra Fässler, who approaches the critic’s monumental task by selecting three specific motifs: the problem of light, the notion of nation and the principle of interaction.

Read in Journals

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