Ömer Faruk

is one of the founders of Ayrinti Yayinlari, where he published (till 2008 when he retired) around 500 titles by radical authors of international stature, including Jack Kerouac, Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt, Chuck Palahniuk, Jean Genet and many others. He received the Freedom of Expression award from the Turkish Publishers’ Association. Faruk is the author of a children’s book entitled “The laurel and brotherhood of the forest” (Defne Ağacı ve Orman Kardeşliği, Yapı ve Kredi Yayinlari, 2012). His articles are published in journals such as Birikim, Milliyet Sanat and Varlik; and dailies such as Hürriyet, Birgün, Radikal and Taraf.


In the midst of the Gezi Park protests, Ömer Faruk witnesses an unforeseen uprising without precedent under either Ottoman rule or the Turkish Republic. This, he argues, is the decentralized multitude rising up against multi-centred capital; and more comprehensive and effective revolts will likely follow.

Read in Journals

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