Joshua Farley

is an ecological economist and Associate Professor in Community Development and Applied Economics and Public Administration at the University of Vermont. He is co-author with Herman Daly of Ecological Economics, Principles and Applications, 2nd ed. Island Press (2010).


Cover for: Where now for economics?

Where now for economics?

A conversation with ecological economist Professor Joshua Farley

Maths-based economics seems to be stuck in something of a rut. Almantas Samalavičius, editor of Eurozine partner journal ‘Kulturos barai’, spoke to Professor Joshua Farley, an ecological economist at the University of Vermont (UVM), about the failure of mainstream economic thinking to explain economic reality, and why the dominant discourse nevertheless remains so powerful in academia.


Against growth

A conversation with economist Joshua Farley

Given the relation between economic production and ecological degradation, Joshua Farley is convinced that economic growth must stop. It is just a question of when. And whether cooperation will displace competition as the dominant concept in the economic paradigm.

Read in Journals

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