Hans Magnus Enzensberger

(b.1929) studied German and philosophy and has worked for radio and as a lecturer, author, poet, translator and editor. As a visiting professor in the USA he left his position in 1968 as a result of political disagreements and spent time in Cuba.

Enzensberger’s literary work has been an important influence on German literature since the 1960s. He is also editor and founder of several journals: Kursbuch (1965); TransAtlantik (1980), and since 1985 publisher of the series Die Andere Bibliothek, Eichborn Verlag. Enzensberger is the author of Brussels, the Gentle Monster: Or the Disenfranchisement of Europe (Seagull Books, 2011) and Zig Zag: The Politics of Culture and Vice Versa (New Press, 1998).

Read in Journals

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